Ready to follow your soul's calling?

I help wise women

Find their personal path

To fulfill their soul's calling

So that they can change the world

With their unique gifts.

Do you ever feel like

You're wearing an Invisibility Cloak

so that nobody notices you're "too big for your britches"?

  • Do you end up every night feeling unfulfilled?

    • After struggling to support yourself and your family, how do you now contribute meaningfully to the world?

  • When DON'T you doubt that you're good enough?

    • Could you ever possibly do what you're most passionate about--sustainably--without burning out your energy or finances?

  • Are you actually quite fond of your Invisibility Cloak?

    • It didn't just magically appear! Did you need it to protect you as a child?

  • Does your Inner Child (like all children) deserve to be cared for and listened to?

    • If she were, could she see that you no longer need that Invisibility Cloak?

How would you like instead

To Be Seen &

Accepted as

Your Authentic Self?

You CAN restore your energy reserves

instead of being stuck in perpetual burnout.

You CAN experience quiet expansiveness as you pursue your life's mission

instead of feeling trapped on a hamster wheel frantically trying to keep getting nowhere.

You CAN feel anchored in patience

instead of itching for the next step to get here already.

You CAN contemplate your future with peaceful clarity

instead of anxiety and fear.


I’m Marie.





I live each day with gratitude for the things that I am empowered to do with my chronic illness and neurodivergence.

Each day, when I can take a walk, I do! I feel lucky that I can ... because there are days when I just can't walk.

I know what it feels like to be bullied by colleagues and gaslighted by family.

I have anxiously climbed the professional ladder and discovered how disappointing and empty it can feel at the top.

I have achieved unimaginable (for me!) national and international success in my profession as an art historian.

I have hidden behind those successes to avoid being seen for my vulnerable, authentic self.

I believe that everyone deserves to be recognized for the wisdom they're here to share with the world -- and to find the people they are meant to share it with.

I hope that you are one of my people!

You don't have to take my word for it...

What My Clients Say

"Working with Marie is really eye-opening … there were so many epiphanies about my life! I recently facilitated an amazing event for hundreds of people, and she helped me understand how my superpowers had come out to make it magical. I now know how to replicate that event for future clients, which is SO important for my business. I LOVE working with Marie!"

- Carole Chabries, The Clareo Group

"Marie listens deeply & helps me feel SEEN, VALUED & UNDERSTOOD. She helps me open my mind when I’ve been stuck in the pain of the past. She asks me questions that make my brain explode! Her intuitive guidance untangles 'knots' inside of me. I feel LIGHTER & CLEARER after our sessions together."

- Dana O., Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor

"Marie helped me unfold the story of who I believed I was and release it. Something magical happens during our sessions. She takes me so deep into my past, and she guides me back in such a professional, confident, gentle way. After my sessions with her I find courage to speak my truth."

- Ljubica Popovic, Divine By Design Healing

"Before our sessions, I was depressed and couldn't find value within myself. When she read my family’s Human Designs, it just blew my mind. She helped me see the deeper issues when someone triggers me. She has been given a gift and a mission to help people find their happiness and peace."

- Brally Lewis, mom & model, "Embarking on my second wind of life"

You deserve to trust your soul's calling without fear or shame.

The naysayers of your past shouldn't have a voice in designing your future.

Nothing should hold you back from knowing with complete confidence that you will find all the resources you need to manifest your dreams into reality.

You deserve to release your Inner Child's inhibitions in a safe space so that you can allow yourself to just JUMP.

Come on in! The water's warm!!


Here's how we get you there:

You'll book a call with me.

It's free and simple. We'll have a good chat and see if we're a good fit for one another.


We'll co-create a customized plan for you.

I'll pull from my wheelhouse of skills, including:

  • Human Design Coaching

  • EFT Tapping Guidance

  • Reiki Energy Healing

  • Peer Support for Mental Illness Recovery

  • Internal Family Systems


Together, we'll implement your plan, tweaking it with tune-ups along the way.

After just one or two sessions, you'll realize:

  • You've started giving your Inner Child the care she needs

  • Parts of you feel heard and honored after years of neglect

  • You can shed that Invisibility Cloak and SHINE!


Learn How to Trust Your Soul’s Calling Without Fear or Shame

Download Your Free Customized Guide

Making choices doesn’t have to be stressful. Your Human Design Authority is your built-in GPS for navigating life with clarity and confidence.

This custom report will teach you how to recognize your unique way of making decisions, clear self-doubt, and move forward in alignment with your soul's authentic path.

As heard on a recent group coaching call...

Client A:

"What just happened?!"

Client B:

"That's called 'Marie Magic!'"


Steal your joy

You've been burnt out by supporting others who dishonor your wisdom.

You've wasted too much time hiding behind your fear of success.

You can't continue to deprive yourself of the soul-filled work that you were put on this planet to do!

You are ready to release the well-worn habits that have kept you from being seen and accepted.

You know your Inner Child's unique gifts deserve to be welcomed with unabashed joy.

Book a Free Consultation Today

Take the first step.

It's time to change the world with all your glorious wisdom.

Image Credits:

Photographs of Marie by Stories by Samantha

November by Koloman Moser, 1902 - Albertina, Austria - Public Domain.

Violette Heymann by Odilon Redon, 1910 - Cleveland Museum of Art - Public Domain.

Orpheus by Odilon Redon, 1910 - Cleveland Museum of Art - Public Domain.

Frauenbildnis im Profil by Koloman Moser - Austrian Gallery Belvedere, Austria - CC BY-SA.





© 2025 Soul Star Attunement LLC. All rights reserved.

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The owner of this website does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the owner is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional, spiritual, or general overall well-being. In the event you use any of the information on this website for yourself, the owner assumes no responsibility for your actions.