Big Emotions Mastery with Human Design

Want to know exactly how I know when my child is about to level up in life? Or how I recognize when I need to give my husband extra space and time to rest and renew? Or how I avoid exploding with unexpectedly fierce angry outbursts when my flow gets interrupted?

Get my proven roadmap for going from frustrated, bitter, angry, or disappointed to understanding how these emotions represent explicit instructions from the Universe.

When you feel these things, they are telling you about:

  • where you’re currently at

  • how you got into your current situation

  • what you need to do to move past it

Wanna know more?? Check out:

Big Emotions Mastery with Human Design

GET THE GUIDE NOW (for just $9 USD)

You’ve gone into therapy.

You’ve mastered box breathing for anger management

You do yoga and guided meditations.

Maybe you’ve even had your natal chart read by a really amazing astrologer, who opened your eyes to so many new aspects of YOU that suddenly clicked into place.

Now…it’s time to bring Human Design into the picture, and actually solve the mysteries of what make you do what you uniquely do.

It’s time to enter the next phase of self-actualization and get rid of shaming yourself for emotions that aren’t BAD – they’re INFORMATION.


Why do I have to always BE like this? Is it even possible to get rid of this constantly recurring anger … or frustration … or bitterness … or disappointment

… without investing thousands of dollars in therapy and Reiki and weekly massages?

Spoiler alert: Nope, it’s not. (Weren’t expecting that one, were you?)

HOWEVER, good news: it’s absolutely possible to turn that emotion from a burden into your greatest superpower.

Picture this:

You start taking one super simple action when you notice your frustration/bitterness/disappointment/anger creeping up and…

  • You already know why it’s there

  • You know what it’s telling you to do

  • You’re handling previously emotionally unmanageable situations with ease and clarity

Now this obviously doesn’t happen QUITE so effortlessly, but…

Here’s how simple it can be to transform your bugaboo emotions into opportunities for infinite growth:

  • STEP 1 / Observe the emotion: Take stock of your current situation from a non-reactive perspective.

  • STEP 2 / Understand what happened: Use the emotion to clue you into how you got into this situation purely from an (inter)personal energetics explanation.

  • STEP 3 / Take the right next steps for YOU to move yourself out of the situation: Use your guiding signpost emotion to tell you what needs to happen next (no matter how counterintuitive it might feel!).

That’s right! You can go from feeling like you are being sabotaged by your key signature signpost emotion(s) (or your family members’ emotions) to…

  • Feeling like you have full control over your own key emotion(s)

  • Knowing how to effectively respond when your child’s or partner’s emotions rise up unexpectedly

  • Using your emotions as a Google Maps or Waze to tell you what next step to take that will bring you into greater alignment

Bottom line: 

Once you make it a habit, this process of recognizing and listening to your (and your family’s) key emotional signposts can feel as simple & doable as taking out the trash.

Want to know exactly how to make this happen & make this your new normal:

Feeling frustration, bitterness, anger, or disappointment like invitations and opportunities, instead of obstacles?


Big Emotions Mastery with Human Design

1) Grab my simple guide

2) Find your Emotional Signpost(s) and Type through the free Human Design chart generator on my website, and

3) Erase the feelings of lack of control when faced with these emotions …

without shame or guilt for feeling them.

BONUS: This guide works for your kids, partners, and parents too — all the people whose emotions you have to live with and get confused by!

Get instant access to:

  • Examples of how each Human Design type experiences their key signature emotion(s)

  • Stories, anecdotes, and analogies to help you remember why each type of emotional energy works the way it does

  • Illustrated with works of art from the Cleveland Museum of Art to help anchor in a visual for each of the emotion(s)

  • BONUS: Your exclusive link for $9 off my detailed custom Human Design reports (normally $43 each)




Here’s a taste of what I’ll cover inside the guide:

  • The key emotional signposts (also known as the “not-self”) for all five Human Design types 

  • Explanations for why these emotions have nothing to do with a “not-self” and everything to do with how to be more authentically and awesomely your TRUE self

  • the best hack if you’re burnt out with bitterness and resentment

  • a simple way to figure out if disappointment means it’s time to leave a situation

  • my go-to process for fixing things when my anger shows up uninvited

  • the process I use to know when it’s time to quit something that I’m fed up with in frustration

  • the #1 thing to keep in mind when you’re dealing with each of your family members’ unique emotional signposts  

Meet your Human Design guide

I’m Dr. Marie Gasper-Hulvat — I’m a Certified Quantum Human Design™ Specialist, a mom of a COVID-remote-schooled tweenager (while working my own full-time job as a university professor!), and possibly someone with a LEGO addiction?!

Since I first saw my Human Design chart in 2022 (and immediately grabbed my husband’s and child’s too!), I’ve learned how it explains my life-long experiences of boom-and-bust cycles and how our family can communicate better.

And I just want more parents and folks who are working on re-parenting their own inner child to experience this shift in understanding through Human Design — without years of searching alone through online information that is confusing, or doesn’t resonate, or spending thousands of dollars getting advanced certifications to understand the basics. 

If you’re ready to start handling previously emotionally unmanageable situations with ease and clarity, grab Big Emotions Mastery with Human Design, snag your Human Design chart off my website, and start working WITH these emotions on your side instead of butting heads with them constantly!

Worried that this is just too woo for you? 

You’re not alone! I wouldn’t have believed in a million years that my birth time and location could reveal SO MANY truth bombs about me and my life. 

But the Ah-Hah’s were too big to ignore. I finally reached this moment where I realized that as much as I had a bunch of hang-ups and chips on my shoulder about astrology (and honestly, astrology is STILL a mostly foreign language to me!), this Human Design stuff was, well … not wrong.

And the good news is…I created Big Emotions Mastery with Human Design to make Human Design quick and easy to step into.

When you read the examples and explanations for why you feel your key signature emotion(s), the truth bombs will hit you too. You’ll even get strategies for solving the impasses that these emotions have likely generated as stumbling blocks your entire life


Big Emotions Mastery with Human Design

1) Grab my simple guide

2) Find your Emotional Signpost(s) and Type through the free Human Design chart generator on my website, and

3) Erase the feelings of lack of control when faced with these emotions …

without shame or guilt for feeling them.

BONUS: This guide works for your kids, partners, and parents too — all the people whose emotions you have to live with and get confused by!

Get instant access to:

  • Examples of how each Human Design type experiences their key signature emotion(s)

  • Stories, anecdotes, and analogies to help you remember why each type of emotional energy works the way it does

  • Illustrated with works of art from the Cleveland Museum of Art to help anchor in a visual for each of the emotion(s)

  • BONUS: Your exclusive link for $9 off my detailed custom Human Design reports (normally $43 each)




Wanna make sure it works for you? You’re covered by my 100% money-back guarantee. 

The truth is, we’ve all been let down by stuff we bought online. It’s just the way it is these days!

I want you to grab Big Emotions Mastery with Human Design and start reimagining the possibilities your key signature emotions can open up for you with zero worries, so I’ve set up a 7-day, no-questions-asked, money-back guarantee.

Why? Because:

  • I fully stand behind Big Emotions Mastery with Human Design,

  • I care about your getting life-transformative results, and

  • I don’t want your past experiences of getting burnt to get in the way of you feeling relief that these emotions aren’t something to be ashamed of – they’re key signals to tell you what to do next.

Download it today — stress-free. And if, for any reason, Big Emotions Mastery with Human Design doesn’t meet your expectations, just shoot me an email (within 7 days) and I'll promptly refund you 100% of your purchase.


Do I get instant access to everything when I sign up?

Yes! As soon as you purchase, you’ll get instant access to a PDF of Big Emotions Mastery with Human Design so you can delve straight into the nuts and bolts of your signature emotions. You’ll also get your bonus exclusive link for $9 off my detailed custom Human Design reports (normally $43 each).

Do I need to have my exact birth time to use this product?

Usually within an hour is good enough. If you don’t know (or can’t ask relatives who might know) the time within an hour, you can try 1) contacting the county records department where you were born for a copy of your birth certificate or 2) this free Birth Time Rectification tool that I’ve used with great success in the past.

Do I need to have any prior knowledge of Human Design to get results from this guide?

Nope! All you need is to know your Human Design type, which is quick and easy to find via the chart generator on my website.

I already have gotten my Human Design chart read by someone else. Will this still be helpful?

I firmly believe that it will (and stand by my money-back guarantee if it doesn’t). My unique perspective on Human Design is shaped by my own life experiences, and I have stories to share with you that I believe will change the way you view yourself and others. No one reader does Human Design the same way – we all see different things in the chart. This Guide invites you into how I see the big picture of one major aspect of the chart.

What’s the refund policy?

If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, contact me within 7 days via email at and I will refund your one-time purchase.

I have one more question. How can I reach out to you?

Great! Just contact me at


Big Emotions Mastery with Human Design

1) Grab my simple guide

2) Find your Emotional Signpost(s) and Type through the free Human Design chart generator on my website, and

3) Erase the feelings of lack of control when faced with these emotions …

without shame or guilt for feeling them.

BONUS: This guide works for your kids, partners, and parents too — all the people whose emotions you have to live with and get confused by!

Get instant access to:

  • Examples of how each Human Design type experiences their key signature emotion(s)

  • Stories, anecdotes, and analogies to help you remember why each type of emotional energy works the way it does

  • Illustrated with works of art from the Cleveland Museum of Art to help anchor in a visual for each of the emotion(s)

  • BONUS: Your exclusive link for $9 off my detailed custom Human Design reports (normally $43 each)