Do you find yourself overwhelmed with all the possible directions you could take? Do you struggle to make the right choice to fulfill your dreams, heal yourself, build your career, find your life’s purpose?

I believe that you, and ONLY YOU, know what the right next choice for you is. Moreover, in order for lasting change to take effect, you must initiate and guide the transformation. My role is to provide tools, resources, tested techniques, and roadmaps to choose from to get you the results you desire.

My personal energies rapidly accelerate processes. With directed intention and concerted amplification of each others’ energies, we can create a syncretic coaching relationship that allows you to draw on my powers to bend time.

You provide the right answers for YOU. My coaching provides the techniques, big picture insights, and energetic manipulations to get you there more efficiently.

Human Design Readings

In a Human Design reading, I bring my training in Quantum Human Design™ to help you understand how you were wired at birth to move energy through your chakra system.

Your Human Design chart gives you specific information about your life path, your style of working, your relationship blueprint, how you experience energy in the world, and most importantly, how to create a truly meaningful and authentic life.

Traditional Human Design has often been interpreted through highly deterministic vocabulary, labeling humans into inescapable boxes. Quantum Human Design™, on the other hand, presents you with choices.

A Quantum Human Design™ reading helps you see where you are living your life path most authentically. It will show you how to choose more of that authentic flow of abundant energy that is your birthright and natural state.

But wait! Human Design isn’t just for you! A Human Design reading for someone you love (a partner, child, parent, etc.) can help you understand how to more effectively nurture your relationship and move through challenges to create win-win outcomes. We all have things that drive us bananas about the people in our lives: a Human Design reading can help you understand what is happening, energetically, when someone is driving you up a wall, as well as strategies to proactively instead of reactively addressing them.

Remote Reiki

I conduct Reiki sessions exclusively remotely. I can use Zoom for live sessions, or conduct a session asynchronously, where I set aside time to channel Reiki for your intentions without your being present at the same time.

My Reiki practice draws upon my intuitive abilities to sense potentials for movements of energy. I serve as a conduit for Reiki to bring the highest and greatest good to the Reiki recipient. Working remotely allows me to devote my entire attention to the auratic field without distraction from the physical plane.

I can provide Reiki to:

  • People

  • Animals

  • Homes

  • Other Buildings

  • Land

  • Objects

  • Situations

  • Disembodied Spirits

Most Reiki sessions are contingent upon permission: of the person receiving Reiki, of the guardian/caretaker of the animal, house, land, or other object receiving Reiki. Reiki for situations does not require permission. Reiki for disembodied spirits is contingent upon the spirit giving consent during the session.

Change Your Life/Story Coaching

In my coaching practice, I help clients empower themselves to change their own stories. Changing even just one story that you tell about yourself changes your life. It changes the way that energy moves through your body, energetic field, and soul.

My coaching protocol combines the following modalities to navigate clients through pain and get to the root cause of what is keeping them from experiencing true wellness on every level of the body:

  • Human Design chart analysis (your personal energetic blueprint)

  • Energy psychology tools using the Quantum Alignment System™ (mind “hacking” to release triggers and trauma)

  • Subtle energy therapies including Reiki, crystals, and essential oils (sealing transformation into your aura)

  • Consciousness awakening techniques (mind “hacking” to break perpetual self-sabotaging cycles and beliefs)

  • EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Tapping (releasing stuck emotions to allow for greater experience of flow)

  • TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) meridian points on the physical body (using ancient medical wisdom to transform the mind, spirit, and soul)

My clients discover their own solutions to heal traumas without reliving them, to attune to their life purpose, and to unwrap their own innate resilience by gently releasing layers of conditioning.

Want to learn more about Quantum Human Design?

Intrigued but not a good fit for my practice?

Consult the Directories of Certified QHD Specialists & QAS Practitioners